Admission for Respite Care

As a caregiver, there are times when a temporary break may be needed due to the need for medical treatment, foreign domestic worker going on home leave or simply a break from their caregiving duties.

Respite care or otherwise known as short-term care is a short-term living arrangement in the nursing home, ranging from several days to a few weeks. This service includes assistance with activities of daily living and nursing care.

To apply for admission, your loved one must meet the minimum criteria:

  • Moderate to high nursing care needs;
  • A discharge care plan for him/her at the end of the respite care period.


You may approach a care consultant from the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC) to submit the application for respite care service. Applications for subsidised respite care must be submitted four weeks before the requested admission date. Admission is subject to bed availability during the intended respite period.

Please click Agency for Integrated Care to read more about the various types of eldercare services available.

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